Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Well

The following is a story/response that I wrote last May at Chapter Camp. We were learning about the woman that Jesus meets at the well in John 4. I wrote this to try and put into words the place I was in then. When I ran across it in my old notebook last night I realized that it's something that is still really special to me right now. :)

The Well:

I knew I needed to make the long journey up this mountain. I had responsibilities and things to get done. I was tired and thirsty and heartbroken, but life couldn't stop just because I was tired. So, I came to the well to work and get done what I had to. I didn't expect Jesus to be there.

Today I met Jesus at a well. He was just sitting there waiting for me. He started talking to me. Why on Earth would Jesus talk to me? He started talking about life and sustenance. I said, "Oh, I could use some of that. I have nothing left to keep moving in this life." And how did He respond? He told me a story about another Rachel at a well.

Rachel met Jacob at a well. Jacob was traveling when she came to water her sheep. Rachel was so beautiful that he flung aside a heavy rock from the well, kissed her, wept, and arranged to marry her. He loved her.

And there I was, standing with Jesus at a well. He saw straight into my heart. He said, "You are burdened with sadness and anxiety. You feel lost and betrayed. But I know your past. I know what you want. You want to be chosen, loved, romanced, and called beautiful. I have come to this well to claim you as my own."

"You are beautiful. I am captivated by your beauty. I love you and I want to be with you! Yes, I know that you are a "Samaritan woman". You gave your heart away to someone other than me. But I didn't come for a perfect "Jewish" girl with a perfect pedigree. I came for you. I choose you."

"And my love, the water in my cup will complete you and heal you, if you will only come and drink from it. I want you to come and be the heroine of my story. I will restore you once again and we'll go on crazy adventures together. We'll go together!"

I met my true love today at a well. He told me everything I had ever done and then began to heal it within me. He's beginning to bring this darkness out of my heart by exposing it to His light and filling me with His living water.

Now I want to run from the well! I want to run with Him and proclaim this crazy love. You are loved by the God of the universe! Come to the water all who are thirsty and all who are weak. He brings life and forgiveness to all who will drink!

I came to the well and I drank. There I met my bridegroom. He chose me as his bride! Now we will run together over the hills and heights, always together, proclaiming the infinite depth and abundance of His love.