Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do you see opportunity?

I’ve been pondering the word opportunity a lot lately.

It started at Urbana when the president of Intervarsity told the stories of some people who became Christians in college. They moved on to change the world in incredible ways, and each chose to follow Jesus because of one of their friends.

He said something to the effect of, “What you do for God in college may be the most important thing you ever do.”

This got me thinking. The people I know and interact with right now represent unique opportunities that I will never have again to change the world. My life could have an immense impact just through being someone’s friend and caring about them.

We studied the first 18 verses of James at Bible study. What kept standing out to me was that trials and difficult times are opportunities. They are an opportunity for us to stand firm for what is right, to grow in maturity to the point of lacking nothing, to fulfill our purposes, and to earn “the crown of life.” James sees these opportunities and it brings him joy.

Then the speaker at Intervarsity large group brought these two ideas together. He spoke from the parable of the unfruitful fig tree in Luke 13:6-9. He told a story of a guy named Keith. Think of the scariest college student you’ve ever met and this guy was like that. But the speaker and his friends poured their hopes, friendship, and work into Keith. They persevered through all the ups and downs and saw Keith’s life transformed!

After large group, someone trusted me and a couple friends enough to talk about the character of God and how he felt about life etc., even though we were all Christians and he wasn’t. He said he trusted us because of a time we all took a walk together to look at the stars. Can changing the world be as simple as talking a walk with someone to look at the stars?

I watched the movie The Soloist last night. The story centers on two very different men, each in their own kind of destitution. Through friendship, they essentially save each other’s lives.

When faced with a bad circumstance, a difficult person to love, deep suffering, or a hopeless situation I often focus on the darkness. In every day conversations and interactions I fail to consider their possibilities. What if instead, I looked for the opportunities?

Do you see the opportunity to love this person? To show someone Jesus? For change and transformation? To grow? For goodness and life to flourish?

I want to be able to say yes.

I see opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel!

    I loved the soloist. I saw so much of the gospel through the whole story. In the midst of the darkness and pain of both of the main character's lives, something as simple as friendship and having someone to turn to talk with and encourage and challenge them, changed their lives.

    I've been thinking about this a lot too, especially after Urbana. Where God has placed us is beautiful. It's amazing and crazy that with seemingly simple things we show Jesus and transform lives with His love and truth.

    Thanks for writing this!
