Monday, June 14, 2010

All the Rest: 4 days in Cincinnati

Due to exhaustion, both my and Molly's patience levels were wearing thin by the time we got into Lafayette. Thankfully, we were able to sleep in a hotel that night and recharge our batteries. The next morning, Monday, we drove the three-ish hours back to Cincinnati.

I spent the next four days with Molly and her family in Cincinnati. One of the major benefits of having a culinary major for a best friend is that you have great connections to great food such as cheesecake, strawberry scones, and paninis. :)

Unforunately, since her school is year-round, Molly still had homework and class as well as work. The down side of that was more stress for poor Molly and us not getting to spend as much time together. The up side was I got to see Molly's school and spend some time with her family.

My last day there, Molly was free so we spent it at the zoo and The Cone. The Cone is a local ice cream stand that is shaped like giant ice cream cone. It and Ted Drew's in St. Louis are my favorite ice cream places on the planet. When Molly and I were younger our families used to visit these two places a lot. It was interesting walking down memory lane and seeing places that I hadn't seen since I was much shorter. Ironically, I thoroughly enjoyed this day of choosing to act like a child, but I was so frustrated just a few days before when I felt treated like a child. Hmm...interesting.

Thursday evening Molly took me to the airport and we said goodbye. My flight to Salt Lake went without a hitch. However, my connecting flight to Phoenix got grounded because of maintenance issues. Lame. Thankfully though, Delta did a good job and got us on a different plane within a half an hour. I almost missed the announcement for it they did it so quickly. I met a fellow prayer warrior on that plane: the high school kid behind me tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to pray with him for the flight. I can only guess that he identified me by my David Crowder Band t-shirt. :)

Eventually, I landed safely on solid ground. I spent a few days with my family in Phoenix and now I'm here in beautiful Flagstaff. It feels good to be back and settled after all the craziness, especially now that my roommate Felicia is back! It certainly was an adventure. Now I guess I'll just have to see what the rest of the summer has to offer. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am glad to be back and officially be roommates! =)
