Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunshine on Michigan Avenue: Chicago Day 3

Sunday was picturesque, sunny, and warm. It was literally the perfect day to walk around outside all day.

Molly had decided that she wanted to spend some quality family time with Jeremy and she knew that I wanted to spend some quality time with David. So, I woke up early that morning and took the train myself back to Jessica's apartment while Molly stayed to spend the day with her cousin.

David met me at the station. We waited for a bit at the apartment where Laura made us omelets. Without exaggeration they were some of the prettiest omelets I've ever seen, and they were the first Laura had ever made! The first time I made omletes they definitely did not look like that. That girl's got talent.

Eventually, David and I left and spent the afternoon walking hand in hand up and down Michigan Avenue. We got free chocolate at Ghiradelli's and Hershey's, looked at foreign Harry Potter covers in a European book store, perused a photography gallery, explored the 4 story Borders, rode the escalators in the Water Tower mall, and played in the Lego store (which was so cool!!). We also stood beside the river, watched a one man band, and saw this fascinating building that had rocks from all over the world embedded in it.

David bought me lunch at Einsteins and we just sat and talked for a long time. It was perfect because a patch of rain came right as we went in and cleared up by the time we left. :)

We met up with Jessica and Laura back at the apartment and left again to get coffee. I was salty because they gave me a hot chocolate when I ordered a hot chai, but the saltiness soon dissolved as Laura and David rocked out loud to "That's not My Name" (or whatever it's called) by the TingTings. Priceless.

The saddest thing about such incredible days is that they have to come to an end. David and Laura took me to Union Station, where after surviving a communication snafu, I met Molly to catch out Amtrak back to Lafayette. I gave a giant hug and quick goodbye-I'm-going-to-miss-you-like-crazy to David. Molly and I ran and jumped onto our train and we were gone...

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